Whether a mistake or intentional noncompliance, cosmetic surgery patients who don’t follow pre- and post-surgery instructions can create problems for not only themselves, but also for their providers.

Dr. MardirossianVartan Mardirossian, M.D., a facial plastic surgeon in Jupiter, Fla., says post-surgical supervision is a big safety issue that can go awry among patients having IV sedation general anesthesia. Surgeons need to make sure these patients have adult supervision the night they’re sent home or to a hotel.

Having adult supervision for patients who have had surgery with IV sedation general anesthesia is law in Florida and around the Nation, he says.

“But a lot of patients try negotiating this. They say they don’t need anyone. They can do it themselves,” Dr. Mardirossian says. “But we have to be conservative about that because things can happen, and we need to keep the patient safe.”

What patients do before and after having local anesthesia can lead to problems, too.

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