A new trial is slated to pit Venefit™ targeted endovenous therapy against ClariVein for the treatment of varicose veins.

The multi-centre randomized clinical trial, sponsored by Vascular Insights LLC, hopes to prove that the ClariVein(R) procedure is potentially less painful than Venefit or radiofrequency ablation under local anesthetic. ClariVein® is a non-thermal approach that uses a mechanical rotating dispersion wire to mix and disperse a sclerosant on the vessel wall; causing ablation. The new trial seeks to enroll 170 patients and initial data will likely be presented in early 2013.

Vascular Insights has received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to market its ClariVein® infusion catheter for infusion of physician-specified agents in the peripheral vasculature.

[Source: Vascular Insights LLC]